ID 716847
Alachua County
Owner Reference: 2024-06
Bid Date: 08/26/2024 at 03:00pm
Pre-Bid: 08/12/2024
James A. Lewis Commission Chambers, City Hall, 15100 NW 142nd Terrace, Alachua, FL 32615
Trades: *Landscaping Contractor: Grounds Maintenance Grubbing Fertilizing Sodding Lawn Mowing Rooting Mulch Hardscaping Rockscaping
RFB 2024-06 is a solicitation for bids for all labor, materials, tools, equipment & costs for the annual requirement for Mowing and Landscaping Services for the Hal Brady Recreation Center, City Parks, Community Center, Police Substation, Fire Station & Other City Property (see attached maps and locations).
City of Alachua FL
Donna Smith
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Published 08/07/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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