ID 726526


Median & Roadside Mowing, Trimming, & Litter Pick-Up, Gaithersburg Shop Areas, Montgomery Co., MD

Montgomery County

Owner Reference: 42715G1427SB

Bid Date: 11/21/2024 at 12:00pm

Trades: *Landscaping Contractor: Grounds Maintenance Grubbing Fertilizing Sodding Lawn Mowing Rooting Mulch Hardscaping Rockscaping

This open-ended, on-call, Contract consists of median and roadside tractor mowing, trimming, and litter pickup at various locations in the Gaithersburg Shop Areas in Montgomery County. If applicable, the limits of this Contract work may extend to the other maintenance shops in this District, should extenuating circumstances dictate the need, as mutually agreed upon by both the Administration and the Contractor. Small Business Reserve procurement. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

State of Maryland Department of Transportation (MDDOT) MD
 Stephen Bucy
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Published 10/15/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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