ID 731727


Minerals Mine Reclamation Program, Knolls, Utah

Tooele County

Owner Reference: JH25-456

Bid Date: 12/10/2024 at 02:00pm

Pre-Bid: 12/04/2024
The meeting place will be at the turnout of the westbound exit 41 offramp off of Interstate 80 just before the frontage road access (40.72802467449523, -113.25778417319991). Be early to the meeting as latecomers (a latecomer is a person who arrives 1 minute after 9:30 AM) will not be allowed to bid on the project. Bidder must attend the total duration of the site visit in order to submit a bid. 9:30 A.M. - 3 P.M MT.

Trades: S460 - Demolition Contractor, Building Moving, Wrecking & Hauling

State of Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining The purpose of this IFB is to enter into a contract to provide:services for removing 1 concrete bridge structure, 5 wooden bridge structures and one 80’ pipe from the Knolls facility and disposing of the construction and demolition debris in an approved disposal site. (See Scope of Work and Specifications for more details.) Mandatory Site Visit: Vendor must attend Mandatory PreBid Site Visit on Wednesday, December 4, 2024 from Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

State of Utah Department of General Services (UTDGS) UT
 Dustin Doucet

Published 11/20/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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