N Blvd & Shelley St Storm Lift Station Upgrades, Idaho Falls, ID

Bonneville County

Bid Date: 01/14/2025 at 11:00am

Pre-Bid: 01/06/2025 @ 01:30pm

Trades: PWC - *General Engineering Contractor GEC: Heavy & Civil Engineering Construction, Infrastructure; Opportunities for Subcontractors

This project shall consist of the Contractor furnishing all tools, labor, equipment, and materials necessary to remove and replace 315 LF of curb & gutter, and 200 SY of sidewalk, remove 1 hydrant, 2 manholes, 4 inlet boxes, and 1 storm lift station. Install 300 LF of 8” Water Main, 3 8” gate valves, 1 hydrant, and boring & jacking an 8” pipe under a bridge. Install 215 LF of 12", 220 LF of 15”, and 140 LF of 18" storm drain pipe, 5 storm manholes, 8 catch basins, 1 storm lift station, 300 CY each of uncrushed and crushed aggregate base, 180 tons of asphalt pavement, 1200 SY of geotextile , and any additional items specifically defined in the Bid Documents.

Chris Canfield
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Owner: City of Idaho Falls ID

Published 12/17/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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