ID 732799
Washington County
Bid Date: 12/26/2024 at 02:00pm
Pre-Bid: 12/18/2024 @ 10:30am
Trades: Refrigeration Contractor: Freezers, Chiller Units, Cold Rooms, Venue Concession Appliances & Vending Machines
Washington County Facilities is seeking a contractor to: A. Replacement of existing cooler/freezer combo - Law Enforcement Center, Property and Evidence Office. B. Supply and install new back up units - Walnut Street Center, Property and Evidence Office Warehouse. Existing equipment has reached the end of its useful life. During the replacement of the cooler/freezer combo, the property and evidence office will not have its usual evidence storage capacity. It will be necessary to acquire complementary equipment for the use of the property and evidence office during construction, this equipment will remain as backup for the property and evidence office daily operations. Prevailing wages.
Danielle Howard
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Owner: County of Washington OR
Published 11/29/2024 on Construction Bid Source
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