ID 504891


Pest Control Services Annual Contract Project, Jonesboro GA

Clayton County

Owner Reference: 19-145

Bid Date: 08/08/2019 at 03:00PM

The Bidder shall provide all of the necessary personnel, equipment, transportation, and tools required to perform the services set forth in this bid. The equipment and tools shall be well maintained and in proper order before use in performance of the service and meet or exceed existing industry standards. All pest control services shall meet or exceed specifications listed. Pesticide treatment shall be for the control of ants, roaches, water bugs, fleas, lice, silver fish, fruit flies, bees mites, weevils, bed bugs, carpet beetles, moths, and all insects in the buildings and immediately surrounding the exterior of all buildings. The pest control services shall also include the removal and control of rats and mice. This project encouraged MBE/ WBE participation.

County of Clayton, GA

Cissy Henry
 (770) 477-3587
 (770) 477-3335
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Published 07/03/2019 on Construction Bid Source

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