429.5 Johnson Street Tenant Improvement Project, Sausalito, CA

Marin County

Past bid date

Estimate: $200k

Trades: Class B - *General Building Contractor GBC: Building Construction Services, Subcontractor Opportunities

Location and Description. The Project is located at 429.5 Johnson Street and is described as follows: installation of fiber cement on first floor story, and replace existing wiring to accommodate electrical upgrade, and portions of first floor slab demolition in conjunction pouring new footings and new slab on grade, and installation and ducting of two (2) 2-zone mini splits and wall mounted units, and installation of one front door and one exterior sliding door on the first floor and one casement window on the second floor, and demolition of existing deck and stairs and construction of new deck. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

Kevin McGowan
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Owner: City of Sausalito CA

Published 05/02/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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