Crescent Harbor Elementary School Project, Oak Harbor, WA

Island County

Bid Date: 05/21/2024 at 02:00pm
15 Days until bid date

Pre-Bid: 04/29/2024 @ 03:30pm

Estimate: $53.0M

Trades: *General Building Contractor GBC: Building Construction Services, Subcontractor Opportunities

The project site falls within a portion of the Whidbey Naval Air Station, owned by the U.S. Government. The subject area is assumed to be a roughly 16.8-acre portion of a 160-acre property located to the south of Crescent Harbor Road. Full replacement of the existing Crescent Harbor Elementary School. The new school building will be approximately 80,000 SF, built on the existing playfields on the south end of the site while the existing school building is in operation. After the new building is occupied, the existing building will be abated and demolished and new playfields, hard surface play, parking, landscaping, bus drop-off and parent drop-off areas will be completed. The project will also include a water tank and pump house to serve t he on-site fire hydrants. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

Alissa Tucker, email only
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Owner: Oak Harbor Public Schools WA

Published 04/24/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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