Additions to Pasadena Park & Ness Elementary, Spokane Valley, WA

Spokane County

Past bid date

Pre-Bid: 04/09/2024 @ 03:30pm

Trades: *General Building Contractor GBC: Building Construction Services, Subcontractor Opportunities

1. Base Bid described as follows: a. Pasadena Park Elementary: Additions in two locations to the existing building. The north addition is an alternate bid item described below. The base bid south addition is for three new classrooms and a small conference room. Sitework includes installation of new storm water facilities and pavement of the playground area around the addition. b. A.B. Ness Elementary: An addition to the west end of the existing building for a new media center/library. Site work includes relocating parking to the south. Project includes an alternate bid for renovations in the office are area described below. 2. Alternate Bids: a. Alternate Bid No. 1, Pasadena Park North Addition: Work includes partial demolition and addition for a new media center/library with associated sitework adjacent to the addition. b. Alternate Bid No. 2, Ness Elementary Office Improvements: Interior reconfiguration of portions of the existing office area and existing media center / library space. Scope includes some partial demolition. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

R. Wilson
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Owner: West Valley School District No. 363 WA

Published 03/27/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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