Annual Contract: Boiler District-Wide Inspections, Cleaning, Repairs and Parts Service, Tucson AZ

Pima County

Owner Reference: 24-037-TUSD1

Past bid date

Trades: Boiler Hot Water Steam Fitting Installation Contractor and Controls

It is the intention of the Tucson Unified School District to award a contract to a vendor or vendors to provide all labor, materials, and supplies required to maintain the District’s boilers and related systems. Awarded vendor will provide scheduled annual start up and spring preventive maintenance preventive maintenance services (PM) on the District’s boilers. Awarded vendor must also have the capability to perform as needed non-scheduled repair and emergency services on a per job basis if needed. With the exception of emergency and nonscheduled repair work, the specified services shall be performed Monday through Friday during the District’s normal business hours as scheduled by the Contract Liaison. Awarded contractor will provide annual start-up services as scheduled between the months of (September through December) and spring PM services (February through April) annually. Bonds required. Prevailing wages.

Kevin Oster
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Owner: Tucson Unified School District No 1 AZ

Published 03/19/2024 on Construction Bid Source

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