Post Date Bid Date Project ID / Title
09/14/2024 10/14/2024 (722090) On-Call Pest Control Services , Thousand Oaks, CA
09/15/2024 10/17/2024 (722223) On-Call Professional Engineering Services for Water, Wastewater, and Recycled Water Systems , Oxnard, CA
10/07/2024 10/17/2024 (725509) *New Bid Date* Waterline Replacement Project - Cedar Street, Wisteria Street, Rowell Avenue, & Leota Lane , Simi Valley, CA
10/01/2024 10/18/2024 (724704) Camarillo Signal Painting and Yellow Borders Project , Camarillo, CA
09/28/2024 10/21/2024 (724250) Project inspection Services (IOR) for Marina West Elementary School , Oxnard, CA
09/24/2024 10/23/2024 (723618) *2nd Pre-Bid Scheduled* Improvements at Lone Oak (CI 5673), Erbes Road (CI 5738), Ventu Pump (CI 5739), Pump Stations , Thousand Oaks, CA
09/30/2024 10/23/2024 (724529) Lease Lease-Back Preconstruction and Construction Services for Reconstruction of Dr. Lopez Academy , Oxnard, CA
09/27/2024 10/28/2024 (724173) Window Cleaning Services at Civic Arts Plaza , Thousand Oaks, CA
10/01/2024 10/30/2024 (724608) 07-4P8504 Install Marked Crosswalk with Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon Signals , Ventura County, CA
09/27/2024 10/31/2024 (724174) Square Maintenance Hole Replacements Project , Thousand Oaks, CA
09/30/2024 11/01/2024 (724487) Ventura County Transportation Model Update , Ventura County, CA
09/30/2024 11/01/2024 (724490) Community Traffic Calming & Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Program , Ventura County, CA
09/09/2024 09/17/2024 (721230) On-Call Inspection Services , Simi Valley, CA
06/23/2024 09/18/2024 (711719) Library Technology Refresh Assessment and Design , Oxnard, CA
08/26/2024 09/19/2024 (719604) Bathroom Improvements at the Simi Valley Senior Center , Simi Valley, CA
09/10/2024 09/19/2024 (721418) Engineering Services for Preparation of the City's Pavement Management Plan & to Complete Citywide Pavement Inspections , Ventura, CA
09/17/2024 09/20/2024 (722543) *New Bid Date**2nd Pre-Bid Scheduled**Subcontractor Opportunities* Buena High School Stadium Scoreboard Replacement , Ventura, CA
09/17/2024 09/20/2024 (722554) *New Bid Date* *2nd PRe-Bid Scheduled* *Subcontractor Opportunities* Ventura High School Stadium Scoreboard Replacement , Ventura, CA
08/28/2024 09/24/2024 (719910) 07-348404 Construct Design Pollution Prevention Infiltration Areas (DPPIA) , Ventura County, CA
09/15/2024 09/25/2024 (722195) RE-BID Gateway Monument Project , Oxnard, CA